Routine Services
- Preparation of income tax returns for Individuals, Partnerships, LLC’s, Corporations, S Corporations, and Tax Exempt organizations.
- Payroll. Whether it’s one check a month (to you) or paying all your employees weekly, I can accomplish this quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. The technology has improved to a point where I can give you the same quality of service as a national payroll provider, including e-filing, direct deposit, and online access.
- Tax Planning using information gained from prior years’ returns and client interviews. Note that filing a return is one process; equal or greater attention needs to be paid to timing of income or deductions, minimizing self employment taxes, gaining tax credits, and other implications.
- Ensuring compliance with “other” taxes, such as payroll taxes, sales taxes, estimated taxes, etc.
Specialized services
- Assistance with IRS or Texas State Comptrollers Audits. Few things in life are more terrifying than an IRS notice- unless, of course, you handle them for a living. Fear not, but contact me promptly.
- Obtaining bank financing. To convince your banker to extend you money, you need financial statements that he can review. If you sell goods, the bank will also want to know about your inventory turnover.
- Compiled or reviewed financial statements. Your stockholders or partners will want assurance that their money is invested wisely.
- Major life event services
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Education Planning
- Buying a business
- Selling a business
- Estate Planning
Fixed price services
One of the fears people have of retaining professional help is fear of THE BIG BILL. Fear not. I have two programs to help you overcome this:
“Not to exceed” programs (also known as fixed price returns) for individuals. After talking to you, and finding out what items will be on your return, I’ll give you a quote for this year’s return. Then, I’ll complete your return, and bill you as follows:
- If my fee at normal rates is less than the quoted price, I’ll bill you the normal rate.
- If your return takes more time than estimated, I’ll bill you the quoted amount, along with an explanation of where the estimate went wrong, and, based on this information, what I would expect the following year’s bill to be. So, if it took additional time to enter the names and social security numbers of all 17 of your kids – that will be a one-time process that won’t happen again next year. If your rental property records consist of a shoebox of receipts – yes, next year, I will want to bill you for putting them together. So please be honest with me – “a few” stock transactions does not mean 80 or so.